Now if you just put the word agent in front of orange I’d be happy, and so would a lot of other Americans.
House Speaker John Boehner, sitting with his wife Debbie, looks up at the tree before the lighting of the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree in Washington, Dec. 3, 2013. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)
Speaker of the House John Boehner denies that his supple, tangerine skin is the result of sunless indoor tanning. The Ohio Republican says he spends a lot of time outside. But "not only has he accepted campaign contributions from a group called the Indoor Tanning Association, Boehner actually lives in a D.C. apartment owned by a lobbyist for the American Suntanning Association," The Daily Caller reports.
Re-blogged from Boing Boing
Orange-American John Boehner rents apartment from tanning industry lobbyist
Xeni Jardin
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 21:25:56 GMT
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