The International Business Times is reporting that 11 suspected terrorists with ties to Al Qaeda were recently arrested in Kuala Lumpur and the state of Kedah and have been under interrogation over suspicions of being involved int eh disappearance of the missing flight and all on board. An officer with the counter-terrorism Division of Malaysia stated that the arrests have heightened suspicion that the flight's disappearance was an act of terrorism.
After the plane went missing on March 8, 2014, several countries joined in the search for wreckage to no avail. Nothing was ever found, leading those with common sense to believe that the plane was hijacked by terrorists. Even a Russian newspaper claimed that flight MH370 was hijacked and landed in Afghanistan where passengers were being held hostage. The following from International Business Times:
In interviews with the suspected terrorists conducted thus far, some have reportedly admitted to planning "sustained terror campaigns" throughout Malaysia, the paper said. However, all have so far denied being involved in the disappearance of the airliner.
During the trial of Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, a British-born Muslim from Gloucester called Saajid Badat claimed he had been instructed to give a shoe bomb to the Malaysians.
"I gave one of my shoes to the Malaysians. I think it was to access the cockpit," he said.
More speculation ahead
Badat, who spoke via video link and is in hiding in the United Kingdom, told a U.S. federal district court in New York that the Malaysian plot was being masterminded by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the principal architect of 9/11.
Earlier, Malaysian investigators were examining the possibility that the plane's pilot, Zaharie Ahmed Shah, who had set up an elaborate flight simulator in his home, "deliberately" redirected his aircraft off its Beijing-bound course.
Reports following the plane's disappearance said Shah was a fanatical supporter of Anwar Ibrahim, head of the People's Justice Party, the opposition political party which has been the primary source of agitation of the United Malays National Organization, which has ruled the country for more than a half-century.
The latest reports of possible terrorist involvement in the flight's disappearance will further fuel speculation that the passengers may have been held captive by a terrorist organization, IBT reported.
I do not think we have heard the last from this plane. And if the passengers are still alive, it would not surprise me if ISIS started posting videos of them without their heads. All while (P)resident do nothing but golf and fundraise quakes in his golf shoes at the thought of having to get tough with his people.
Keep your eyes open. The ride isn't over yet.
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