100 years ago today, on November 14, 1914, the last “Caliph” of the Islamic world declared a holy war on all non believers. Just a few months later, a jihadist genocide of Christians occurred on a massive scale, resulting in the deaths of millions.
On the 100th anniversary of the religiously-motivated genocide of Christians, several Islamic groups, all of which have alleged connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, hosted the first Muslim prayers ever at Washington D.C.’s National Cathedral.
Breitbart News was on the scene at Washington’s National Cathedral, hoping to get some answers to concerns about Islamic prayers being hosted at the Cathedral on such a painful anniversary, and why the event was sponsored by alleged members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Breitbart's interview with Dean of the National Cathedral, Gary Hall, can be found here. Below, an interview with Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, who helped organize the prayers.
Rasool was asked whether it was appropriate to hold Muslim prayers on such a tragic anniversary for the Christian people. “It’s deliciously appropriate,” replied Rasool. “We stand in a Christian cathedral, make common cause with the Christian middle ground, and make a commitment, that never again must there be intolerance towards Christians or any other faith,” he added. “We stand up against extremism from the house of Islam and wherever it else it may emanate.”
Breitbart News asked Ambassador Rasool if he was alarmed about the fact that all of the groups who helped organize the event have been associated with, or have been members of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group.
The Ambassador responded: “For many years, when major powers in the world tolerated the [Egyptian] dictatorships… It was groups like the Muslim Brotherhood who were national liberation movements… It shouldn’t be seen as a pejorative.” He added, the world "deepened extremism by allowing a coup to happen [in Egypt]” that removed the Brotherhood from power.
Rasool was then asked whether he was troubled by the fact that a plethora of international terrorists, such as deceased Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden and ISIS "caliph" Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, have all been members of the same Brotherhood that was organizing the event at the National Cathedral.
“Let me flip that in history,” Rasool explained. “People like Menachem Begin [former Prime Minister of Israel]... were the former terrorists who bombed the British and massacred people… What one must understand, is that the essence of religion is redemption… Why is it that one terrorist is a respected president and another one is… forever free of that.”
“We aren’t comparing Menachem Begin with Osama Bin Laden, are we?” this reporter asked. “I don’t think so. Although, that would be very interesting to see who killed how many and who oversaw it,” Rasool responded.
Video Credit: Dan Fleuette/Breitbart News
Organizer of Muslim Prayer at National Cathedral: 'Deliciously Appropriate' Event on Anniversary of Call to Jihad
Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:28:00 GMT
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