It has been nearly 13 years since 9/11. In those 13 years, I have heard the rants and raves from mostly liberals speaking of 9/11 as a false flag. I have resisted looking at the information they have put forth as proof that it was an inside job. Even in these past 5 years, where I have no problem stating that Obama has been guilty of many false flag operations, I still had not looked into the possibility that 9/11 was a false flag, too. At least until recently.
I don't like looking at my government and thinking that they are inherently evil and that I am nothing more than tax fodder for them. But that is a truth I must face. If we are not helping them cover their tracks and praising them, then we are a threat and must be removed. The only merciful thing I can expect from my government is a bullet to the head because I will not conform and I will not shut up. The more I look into the 9/11 conspiracy theory, the more it makes sense and the sicker I feel in the pit of my stomach.
It was easy for me to just believe without question that terrorists flew planes into our buildings and killed nearly 3,000 people. It was easy to believe that Osama bin Laden was guilty because, well, he was a POS! But I never quite understood why we went to war with Iraq. Weapons of mass destruction. Okay, I can certainly believe that they had them and I still believe they were moved somewhere else. But if we were after the perpetrators of 9/11, then Iraq makes no sense. That's not where Osama was. But there was oil. And Saddam Hussein decided in 2000 that he wanted to be paid in euro's for the countries oil. He no longer would accept the dollar. And then, in 2001, we had 9/11, and then we went to war with Iraq. And oil was kept on the dollar. The same thing happened with Qaddafi. He decided he only wanted to be paid in gold for his oil, and then all of a sudden he was taken out. You can read my post about him here.
I will leave it to you to read and decide for yourself whether or not 9/11 was an inside job. For me, the evidence is becoming more and more stacked against our own government. And read about Operation Northwoods. It might explain a little more. For me, I am wakening to a much more sinister government than I had previously allowed myself to believe. Our government is a monster and it must be stopped.
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