Friday, May 2, 2014

Let's Put An End To Those Inhumane Executions

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There has been a firestorm over the so-called "botched" execution of Clayton Lockett after the injection method didn't work as planned. Even Obama has condemned the practice and called it inhumane. But do you know what is really an inhumane way to die? Being shot and then buried alive. I think the POS should have been half way decapitated and placed in a hole in the ground after being castrated of course. 

It greatly pisses me off the way the left always takes the side of the poor criminal instead of stopping for even a moment to think of the terror their victim was put through prior to being brutally murdered. I have no use for these low life scum buckets and I do not care how they die. I am surprised Obama didn't make another "If I had a son" comment. So Lockett suffered? Well not enough he didn't! He suffered for 10 minutes. How long did Stephanie Neiman suffer? Was Lockett sorry? That's up to him and God. It is our job to send murderers and rapists to God so that He can judge them. Don't believe me? Ever read the Bible?

Genesis 9:6
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man.

(This is a judicial law from God. It is speaking of capital punishment. If a person commits murder, then the murderer is to be killed by the community so that his soul can be sent immediately to God.)

So once again, I could care less how this "person" left this world. What matters now is where he is and who he is having to face there. God and Stephanie.

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