Anytime someone mentions the fact that Obama was born in Kenya, they get bombarded by an obamabot who likes to go by the handle of Smrstrauss. I like to call them "Strauss" for short. And let me tell you, they are so ready with the same cut and paste responses that you just know they are hard core Obama supporters. You can do a quick search of even a snippet of their responses or even the handle by which they go by and you will see what I am talking about. Neil over at Golden Geese News knows exactly what I'm talking about. Strauss is always trying to "convince the rational people that visit our blogs" that we are certifiably insane for even daring to entertain the thought that their dear leader was born anywhere but in the US.
I don't believe the idiot was born here. And quite frankly, I no longer care because he is ruining America and that is my number one issue. But then I read this little bit of news over at The Examiner today and it would seem that 2 days ago, a video was uncovered from 2008 by a British Intelligence Advisor stating that there was proof that Obama was born in Mombasa and that several people knew it and kept their mouths shut, including John McCain...no surprise there. But there are some very interesting things he says. Not only does he point out that there is DNA evidence but also that Obama was born in 1960...not 1961. Very interesting for sure. The video is here:
So when Strauss shows up...and they will...just know that they have already been weighed, measured and found wanting.
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