One of the most important things a person can do if they are trying to figure out who did what and when, is to follow the money. This can be fairly complex when trying to follow the money when the targets are the world's largest banks. But one detail that has been nagging at me is the fact that Iron Mountain, Inc., is entreating the IRS to convert to an REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust). My question was, why would a business that stores financial documents, tapes and healthcare files be interested in converting to a real estate trust? First, let's take a look at what an REIT is.
An REIT is a type of real estate company that is modeled after mutual funds. They were created by Congress in 1960 to give all Americans the chance to invest in income producing real estate, much the same way as we can invest in stocks and bonds through mutual funds. Income producing real estate refers to land and the improvements on it. REIT's can invest in the properties themselves, generating income through the collection of rent, or they can invest in mortgages or mortgage securities tied to the properties, helping to finance the properties and generate interest income. It is the mortgage security avenue that Iron Mountain is interested in.
But again, why would an organization like Iron Mountain be interested in converting to this when they have built their empire by storing sensitive documents? Any time I need to follow the money to some nefarious sounding deal, I begin looking in one place first. Georgie Schwartz, a.k.a. George Soros. The uber-wealthy Kenite was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary. His father, Tivadar, was a fanatical practitioner of Esperanto, a language invented in 1887 and designed to be the first global language free of any national identity. Tower of Babel? The Schwartz', who happened to be non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros so they could easily assimilate into the gentile population as the Nazi's spread into Hungary in the 1930's. Soros is an Esperanto word which means, To Soar. We know that Soros was given fake identity papers and was shipped out to live with a "Christian" family. He ended up in the home of a man whose job was to confiscate property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds. This was in about 1944, when the little bastard was around 14. Soros says with much glee that 1944 was the best year of his life. He holds no guilt, rather he took great sadistic pleasure in watching as the Jews were stripped of all their property and then hauled off to be slaughtered.
But how can a person who has all the conscience of a dirt clod feel guilty? He can't because he is incapable of caring for another human. He has always taken great pleasure in watching other humans suffer. He has, in fact, built his fortune while millions of people suffer because of his "success". Soros has stated that he "carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble." Broken down, Soros has a god complex. Even though he has no conscience to speak of, he has stated that, "my goal is to become the conscience of the world." Scary indeed. A man with no conscience wants to be the conscience for the world. He wants a world without conscience.
After WWII, Soros attended the London School of Economics, where he soon became enthralled with a fellow atheist and Hungarian, Karl Popper. Popper was also one of his professors. Popper remained a mentor to Soros until his death in 1994. Two of Popper's most influential teachings were "the open society" and Fallibilism. Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that all claims of knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken. But according to this doctrine, even the knowledge of knowing what Fallibilism is, could in retrospect, also be "mistaken". I wonder if Popper thought of that when he was preaching his prattle. In regards to "open society", Roy Childs wrote, "Since the second World War, most of the Western democracies have followed Popper's advice about piecemeal social engineering and democratic social reform, and it has gotten them into a grand mess".
By 1956, Soros had moved to New York City and began working on Wall Street. There, he began amassing his fortune, specializing in hedge funds and currency speculation. The following was taken from the Canada Free Press:
In an article Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote for “The American Thinker” she says, “Soros made his first billion in 1992 by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as the man who broke the Bank of England. He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically…almost overnight.”
In 1994 Soros crowed in “The New Republic” that “the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire.” The Russia-gate scandal in 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee, to be “one of the greatest social robberies in human history.” The “Soros Empire” indeed.
In 1997 Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia. At the time, Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, called Soros “a villain, and a moron.” Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, “We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula. He sucks the blood from the people.”
The website Greek national Pride reports, “[Soros] was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia, Ukraine and Myanmar [Burma]. Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros’ role is to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order while promoting his own financial gain. He is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality.”
France has upheld an earlier conviction against Soros, for felony insider trading. Soros was fined 2.9 million dollars. Recently, his native Hungary fined Soros 2.2 million dollars for “illegal market manipulation.” Elizabeth Crum writes that “The Hungarian economy has been in a state of transition as the country seeks to become more financially stable and westernized. [Soros’] deliberately driving down the share price of its largest bank put Hungary’s economy into a wicked tailspin, one from which it is still trying to recover.”
But where does all of this leave us here in America? What does Soros have planned for us? In an interview with "The Australian", Soros had this to say;
“America, as the center of the globalized financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. The game is out,” adding that the time has come for “a very serious adjustment” in American’s consumption habits.
Soros also told “The Australian” that the world financial crisis was”stimulating” and “in a way, the culmination of my life’s work.”
I don't know about you, but I have found the lack of jobs and the suffering of hard working individuals to be anything but "stimulating". Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for years.
In 1997 Rachel Ehrenfeld wrote, “Soros uses his philanthropy to change—or more accurately deconstruct—the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people. His “open society” is not about freedom; it is about license. His vision rejects the notion of ordered liberty, in favor of an ideology of rights and entitlements.”In the book, The Shadow Party, whistle blowers David Horowitz and Richard Poe outline in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party and now owns it. Lock, Stock and Barrel. Soros has been dumping millions upon millions into the coffers of those radical leftists who will further his agenda and systematically ridding government of those Democrats whom he deems moderate. The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which then became the Obama Administration. By his own admission, Soros helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia and Yugoslavia. When Soros targets a country for a regime change, he begins by creating a shadow government, which is a fully formed government that is ready to assume total power when the timing is right. The shadow party he has created here in America is like a mirror image of those he created in other countries just prior to instigating a coup. In the November 2008 issue of the German magazine "Der Spiegel," Soros gave his opinion on what the next POTUS should do after taking office. He said,
“I think we need a large stimulus package….” Soros thought that around 600 billion would be about right. Soros also said that “I think this is a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence. The U.S. needs a cap and trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights.”One month after his first inauguration in February of 2009, Obama signed into law, the American Recovery Act (the stimulus package) at a whopping price tag of $787 Billion dollars. And the global warming fiasco is doing nothing but picking up steam once again. After all, the planet is getting colder so it must be because it's getting warmer, right? Just the same as the economy getting better because more people are out of work. It's just more "liberal logic" that sane people will never understand. But hey, under Popper's teachings of Fallibilism, this is all probably false anyway. Again, liberal logic. It is literally a "no-brainer", meaning in order to be a liberal, you literally have to have no brain.
And make no mistake, Soros has his creepy tentacles spread throughout the GOP as well. Remember the photo of him with Senator John McCain? Perhaps they were discussing their plans for a "New Vorld Order". Soros is also a partner in the "Carlyle Group" where he has invested more than 100 million dollars. The Carlyle Group is run by former Republican leaders including CIA man Frank Carlucci and former CIA head and former President, George Bush, Sr. In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton (of which Dick Cheney was the CEO). When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time. In fact, John McCain was the keynote speaker at the "Soros Convention" in Philadelphia in 2000. Soros indeed has his filthy hands working both sides of the political aisle collectively and has long held connections to the CIA.
There is also the matter of the Main Stream Media. Soros owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner as well as the various political advertising organizations he funnels his millions to.
As Matthew Vadum writes, “The liberal billionaire-turned-philanthropist has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives.”
Richard Poe writes, “Soros’ private philanthropy, totaling nearly $5 billion, continues undermining America’s traditional Western values. His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments in social engineering.”
Of course we know that Soros has funded many socialist organizations such as, the Apollo Alliance, Media Matters, the Tides Foundation, the ACLU, ACORN, PDIA (Project on Death In America), La Raza and INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking). It is INET that provided me with the link I was looking for concerning Iron Mountain and the dead bankers. In 2011, Soros held his international conference at Bretton Woods, N.H., (known as Bretton Woods II) which is the noted birthplace, if you will, of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, where he plans to "rearrange the entire financial order," as he himself noted in a November 2009 article in The Japan Times Online.
Soros spent upwards of $50 million in New Hampshire to bring together some 200 academic, business and government policy leaders into his Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET).
“Reorganizing the world order will need to extend beyond the financial system. The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. The time has come for a very serious adjustment."
George Soros
Soros believes that a washed up America needs to be replaced by a world government with a global currency under UN rule. He also believes that China should be the top dog in this new world order with America under Chinese rule. What isn't mentioned is that several decades of outsourcing U.S. jobs to other countries, opening the borders, and bankrupting the economy have been intentionally orchestrated so that the international bankers can tell the world that the system is broken and that they are the only ones who can fix it...even though they are the ones who created the broken system in the first place. More liberal logic.
This brings us to Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a 20 plus year old plan for global "sustainable development" courtesy of the United Nations. In 1992, George H. W. Bush along with 177 other world leaders agreed to it and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858 which created a Presidential Council on Sustainable Development. This pushed the UN plan into America's constantly churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American People.
The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property. The UN has made their view perfectly clear on the issue of individuals owning land;
Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.
There is another good reason to be against Agenda 21. The International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) supports it. Who donates large sums of money to ICLEI? George Soros. In 1997, Soros's "Open Society" gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project. This is a global plan to literally confiscate individual owned land through a process much like eminent domain.
The BlazeICLEI USA was launched in 1995 and has grown from a handful of local governments participating in a pilot project to a solid network of more than 600 cities, towns and counties actively striving to achieve tangible reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and create more sustainable communities. ICLEI USA is the domestic leader on climate protection and adaptation, and sustainable development at the local government level.
Currently, there are 450 cities, towns and counties in America that are members of ICLEI. This is local government agreeing to rules and regulations put in place by a UN based organization that wants private property transferred to government control. How is your community fairing? Check for yourself here. Austin, Texas is only one that has been drinking the Kool-aid and adopted the plan. So where exactly has Rick Perry been?
So what all of the above is saying, is that Iron Mountain, Inc. wants to become a Real Estate Investment Trust. They work with and for the world's largest banks and those banks are also supporters of Agenda 21 along with Soros. Soros wants to destroy America and has his little puppet Obama sitting where it ought not through a shadow government. What better way to be poised to control the world's land than if you are a company that already handles the world's most sensitive documents and are on the verge of converting to handling real estate trusts? Those dead bankers? They knew exactly what was happening and they were executed before they could talk. Because when a rich liberal talks about redistributing the wealth, he is only talking about everyone else's property being redistributed into their own pocket. Basically, America's woes can be laid at the feet of one Kenite. And that is George Soros. There will be more deaths because the stakes are higher than ever before.
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