The man pictured above is Mohammed Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo. Born in Java, Indonesia in 1901, he formed the Subud (pronounced Soo-Bood) Cult in the 1920's. When I read a headline about Loretta Fuddy and Stanley Ann belonging to the same cult, I was curious. I had not heard of this Subud Cult or the man who founded it. So I did a search for a picture. I always like to have an idea of what someone looks like if I am going to write about them. The first picture I saw was the one on the left and I was astounded at the resemblance. Ears, nose, mouth, eyes...you name it. Just wow. So naturally, I became even more curious about this man and this cult. And I have found some pretty interesting things.
Mohammed Subuh was also known as Pak Subuh or Bapak, which is Indonesian for respected father. When he was young, he apparently went through a series of "intense experiences" that he believed gave him contact with a spiritual energy from a higher power. I have not been able to find what those experiences were. In the 1930's, Pak Subuh believed it was his calling to transmit these energies to others. He called the energy "Latihan Kejiwaan", which is Indonesian for Spiritual Exercise.
In the 1950's, actress Eva Bartok became enthralled with Subud. She became pregnant and it was discovered that she also had a cyst. The doctors recommended she have surgery to remove the cyst but doing so would kill the baby. She reached out to Pak Subuh and he came to visit her. He told her to have the child and if it was a boy to name it Daniel but if a girl, to name her Deana. Eva followed the advice of Subuh and a few months later in May of 1957, gave birth to Deana Sinatra, the love child of Eva Bartok and Frank Sinatra. She made the National headlines with the story of how she had been cured of cancer by Subud. This is when the movement really started to pick up steam.
The story was noticed by a man named John Starr Cooke. Mr. Cooke was born to wealthy parents in Hawaii and was really into the Ouija board mess. He even married his wife because the Ouija board "told him to". He took such an interest in Subud that he financed Pak Subuh to come to the U.S. to try and gain more members to the cult. Eva Bartok and her daughter Deana moved to Jakarta to become more involved with the cult. They lived there from 1967 to 1971, when they moved back to the states and Eva opened a school in Hawaii and taught Subuh Philosophy.
I find it very interesting that not only does Subuh look just like our pResident, but he also came to the states in 1958. Obama was conceived in about December of 1960. Now it gets even more interesting. It has been proven that Stanley Ann Dunham was a member of this cult. In the book, "A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother" by Janny Scott, there are several documented accounts of Stanley Ann's involvement with Subud. Also mentioned is Loretta Fuddy. This is an email conversation from within the Subud Cult;
Arianne (no second name) wrote to me to say, “Talked to Irin Poellot who is reading the book about Obama’s mother and has already run into several literal mentions of Subud!!! I remember the late Mansur Madeiros mentioning he knew her in Indonesia and he is mentioned in the book! I can’t help wondering if we will get inquiries about Subud since it is mentioned often in a book which probably will be widely read. It also is a delicious fact that our Subud sister, Ms Fuddy, just was appointed to her post in the Health Dept in Hawaii in time to be involved in the documentation of fact that Obama was born there.”
I wrote back asking for more specific information and Arianne replied, “Irin kindly supplied some quotes:In chapter 4 “Initiation in Java” the Subud members are quoted. And then (on page 116): “…she (Ann) was hired to start an English-language, business-communications department in one of the few private non profit management-training schools in the country.”Changing names for spiritual reasons was frequently done by Subud followers. In fact, Loretta Fuddy was known as Deliana. So this brings us to the name of Soebarkah. This last name for Obama has been widely speculated on. If you will recall from an earlier post of mine, I documented where Ann Dunham had listed Barry on her passport, only to cross it out again. If you didn't catch that post, here is the document in question;
Ann “found a group of young Americans and Britons enrolled in an intensive course in Bahasa Indonesia, the national language, at the University of Indonesia recalled Irwan Holmes, (a member of the original group). She was looking for teachers. A half dozen of them accepted her invitation, many of them members of an international spiritual organization, Subud, with a residential compound in a suburb of Jakarta..”
You can see on the 2nd page that Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) was added to the section where t says to either include or exclude children. Now, if Obama was already there, it would stand to reason that he already had been listed on her original passport and she was trying to exclude him. But that would mean leaving him without a passport. But if she was including him on her passport and was not able to show a birth certificate, then she would also have to scratch it out. Did Obama travel to Indonesia on someone else's passport? If so, who? For now, let's get back to Soebarkah. Was that a name change in accordance with the practice of Subud? The same way Loretta Fuddy was called Deliana? I'll keep researching this and will update if I find anything of importance.
For now, let's move on to Loretta Deliana Fuddy. The World Subud Association has headquarters in 3 places. Namely, Jakarta, Chicago and Hawaii. Very interesting, yes? Loretta Deliana Fuddy became chairwoman of Subud USA and served in that position from 2006 to 2008. In January 2011, Fuddy assumed the position of Director of the State Department of Health in Hawaii. A few months later, she would release Obama's long-form birth certificate. From there, things would only heat up for Ms. Fuddy from the barrage of subpoenas for the original documents. Perhaps she was beginning to crack under the pressure.
In December of 2013, the small plane she was in crashed in the water a half mile off the island of Molokai. There were 9 people on board, including the pilot. Ms. Fuddy was the only casualty. Witnesses say that she was able to make it out of the plane after the crash. To date, no autopsy has been released. The chartered plane was owned by Makani Kai Air. Interestingly, one Charles (Chuck) Lanza is the Manager of Operations and the Chief Safety Officer. Another name comes to mind and that is Adam Lanza. There may not be a connection but it did catch my attention and I will be following up on it.
Everything about Obama is a lie. Everything. And I will not rest easy until every single one of them is fully exposed. No matter the consequence.
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