Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Message For Glenn Beck

Dear Mr. Beck,

When The Blaze first started, I was relieved...finally a news site where American's could get the truth.Over time, we helped you grow your company by campaigning for cable outlets to subscribe to The Blaze and by raising money for many different causes you called us to action for. We helped you because you were helping us.

Now it seems as though you have forgotten the reasons you began this journey in the first place. You say you are tired and that you don't want to hear about all the crap coming from Washington anymore. Well, we don't either, but it's there and simply ignoring it will not make it go away. There are millions of us out here who have only a tiny voice, and we are not giving up. Why are you?

By your recent stance on the Bundy Ranch situation, you are alienating the very people who gave you such a strong voice in the first place. I would say that most American's could care less that Cliven Bundy is grazing his cattle on "government" land. In fact, you even had this to say:

“If you are somebody that says ‘I’m for violence, I am angry and I’m not going to take it anymore, and I’m going to act on that anger,’ then I want you to go to my Facebook page and I want you to unfriend me. I want you to go to my newsletter page and I want you to unsubscribe. I want you to go to TheBlaze TV and I want you to cancel your subscription today.”

You basically just told every one of us who helped build you up to go take a hike, that you don't need us anymore. What a slap in the face. I get it, Glenn. You are calling for no violence. And in a perfect world, all of our ills would be solved without a smidgen of violence. But we do not live in a perfect world. Violence abounds and tyranny is running rampant. Don't you think that our founding fathers would have liked nothing more than to settle the conflict without violence? Don't you think that we the people of today would love nothing more than for Obama and his ilk to leave the scene peacefully? But do you really believe that can be done? 

I agree with you completely that we should pray. Each and every day, we should be praying to God. But that isn't all we should do. God doesn't take care of everything for us. We have to show Him that we are ready, willing and able to stand and fight for His name's sake and for what is right. If all we do is sit and wait and not stand up against tyranny, then we really can't expect God to step in and save us. If we do nothing, then we can expect the same from Him. 

Go back and read your Bible. The Old Testament is filled with violence. God commanded it against those who were living filthy lives separated from Him. David prayed, yes, but he also went to war. And he did so at God's command. Abraham was prepared to commit violence against his beloved son, Isaac because God told him to. Jesus loved, but He also went through the Holy Temple and cleaned it out. He took a cat of nine tails to the backs of the priests and overturned the tables of the money changers who were selling mite infested doves for people to offer as sacrifice to God. What, other than prayer, are you willing to do to stand up and be a child of God? I could pray incessantly for a million bucks, but unless I prove to God that I am willing to work hard for it, He won't just place that in my lap. If we pray incessantly for all the bad people to go away, unless we show God that we are willing to stand and make them go away, that also will not be placed in our lap. 

Because we are prepared for violence, doesn't mean that we are setting out in search of it. I pray daily. I am also a part of an ever growing community of pissed off American's who are tired of watching this once great nation go under because of an egocentric, pusillanimous president and his completely blind and lost followers. I am sure the Jews in the 1930's prayed, too. However, they did nothing else and look where they ended up. 

I don't know if you are scared or if you have just lost your way, but I am telling you that unless you find your courage once again, The Blaze will go under. Or it will turn into another CNN, because you have to preach to an audience somewhere. If you aren't preaching to the choir that built you, then who are you preaching to? The whole issue with Cliven Bundy has nothing to do with cattle grazing illegally. If the government cared at all about illegal grazing, we would have a border fence in place and illegals would be deported constantly. The Feds have supplied more resources to remove some cows than they gave to support 4 Americans murdered in Benghazi. This is what people care about. Standing against tyranny.

Where do you stand, Glenn. Blazers would like to know. 

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