Look at this picture. Look right into his little eyes and tell me he is not human. Tell me that he used to be nothing but a little parasite sucking the life from his host (mother). I get extremely ticked off over the whole, "it's my body and I can do what I want with it" rhetoric. If that were completely true, then I wouldn't be required to wear my seat belt, now would I? If the lefties truly wanted me out of their bedroom, then they can keep me out of their murderous desires.
A few weeks ago, we all learned that little aborted babies were being used to heat furnaces in UK hospitals. How sick and disgusting is that? Now it has come to light that some of those little ones are also being used for energy right here in the US...in Oregon. And how about the story of that low life "model" who has scheduled an abortion because she wants to go on some reality TV show and a baby would ruin her chances for being a star? Here's a thought....keep your legs closed, slut!
I am sickened and completely disgusted by this. It breaks my heart to think that we are so dependent on "modern" luxuries that we turn a blind eye as to where we get them from. I would rather live by candle light and forego the internet than to have it powered by even one dead child. Here I have been praying for America, just as many others do, and for what? So sick people can continue these abominable practices? Do we really expect God to bless us when these are the things we are doing?
God forgive us....
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