Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
NYPD Killer Stole Gun Used in 2011 Crime
By AWR Hawkins
Executed NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos, and Officer Wenjian Liu
AmmoLand Gun News
Washington DC - -( NYPD officer killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley previously acquired guns by stealing them, according to a new report.
According to ABC 13 WHAM, Brinsley pleaded guilty to “theft, property damage, possession of a gun by a felon and discharging a gun near a public park” in Cobb County, Georgia in 2011.The gun he used in the crime was a .25 caliber semi-automatic which he stole before opening fire on a gold Chevy Malibu.
In that instance, no amount of gun control would have stopped Brinsley: He sidestepped every law to acquire his firearm unlawfully.
The same situation took place in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, where Adam Lanza bypassed gun control laws by stealing his guns, then using them to carry out his murderous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary.
Days after Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) gun control bill was defeated in April 2013, he admitted that even it had passed it would not have prevented another Sandy Hook; Lanza had no intention of abiding by gun laws. He simply stole what he wanted and wreaked havoc on innocents.
The ATF is working to confirm whether Brinsley stole the gun he used December 20 2014 to execute two unsuspecting NYPD officers.
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins.
AWR Hawkins writes for all the BIG sites, for Pajamas Media, for, for and now AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.His southern drawl is frequently heard discussing his take on current events on radio shows like America’s Morning News, the G. Gordon Liddy Show, the Ken Pittman Show, and the NRA’s Cam & Company, among others. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal (summer 2010), and he holds a PhD in military history from Texas Tech University.
If you have questions or comments, email him at You can find him on facebook at
NYPD Killer Stole Gun Used in 2011 Crime
Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:33:10 GMT
Americans' sense of civic duty 'slipping'
(ABCNEWS.GO) — Americans are a little less likely to ask what they can do for their country these days.
An Associated Press-GfK poll found that the sense of duty has slipped since a similar survey three decades earlier. Civic virtues such as staying informed or serving on a jury don’t seem as important as they once did ? especially among the younger generation.
The findings fit with research that’s been worrying many experts who study civic engagement or advocate for teaching more about civics in school.
“I don’t see any recovery,” said Rutgers University Professor Cliff Zukin. “The people who were 40 two decades ago aren’t as engaged as the people who were 60 two decades ago. This generational slippage tends to continue.”
Here are five things to know about Americans’ sense of civic duty:
Americans' sense of civic duty 'slipping'
Mon, 29 Dec 2014 19:43:12 GMT
Muslims sue U.S. Navy over beards
(SFGATE) — A Muslim civil rights group has sued the government on behalf of a former Navy enlisted man from Northern California who says he was the target of ethnic slurs, was reassigned to a menial job, and was later denied re-enlistment after seeking permission to wear a beard for religious reasons.
Jonathan Berts of Fairfield applied to wear a beard in January 2011, but Defense Department policy did not allow religious exemptions from grooming requirements. The Pentagon relaxed its policy in January, allowing accommodations for an individual’s religious beliefs, but it came too late to help Berts, said his lawyers at the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
After his request for a religious accommodation was turned down, Berts, an African American Muslim who had enlisted in 2002, was denied a previously recommended promotion and was subjected to “a barrage of derogatory terms, anti-Islamic slurs, and inappropriate lines of questions about his religious beliefs and loyalty to the United States,” said the lawsuit, filed this week in U.S. District Court in Sacramento.
Muslims sue U.S. Navy over beards
Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:52:03 GMT
Obama warns GOP he'll use veto pen in 2015
(FOXNEWS) — The new Congress hasn’t yet been sworn in, but President Obama already is warning he plans to use his veto pen to counter initiatives from the incoming Republican majority.
Obama, despite his near-constant friction with congressional Republicans the last few years, rarely has used the presidential veto — in part because legislation he didn’t like typically died in the Democrat-controlled Senate before reaching his desk.
But with Republicans taking charge of the Senate next month and building their majority in the House, Obama said in an NPR interview he’s dusting off the veto pen.
“There are going to be some areas where we disagree and, you know, I haven’t used the veto pen very often since I’ve been in office,” Obama said. “Now I suspect there are going to be some times where I’ve got to pull that pen out.”
Obama warns GOP he'll use veto pen in 2015
Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:18:23 GMT
College features 'Slaughter the Jews' exhibit
(ALGEMEINER) — A contentious art exhibit at an Israeli community college near Gaza includes displays calling for the “slaughter” of the Jews and “in blood and fire we will redeem Palestine,” Israel’s NRG News said on Monday.
“The Power of the Word,” set to open Tuesday at Sapir College, near Sderot,” is seen by some as encouraging incitement, though its defenders insist that the exhibit is important because it showcases opinions on both sides.
“There is no place in an academic institution for an exhibition which calls for the massacre of a people,” one irate student told NRG.
College features 'Slaughter the Jews' exhibit
Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:44:06 GMT
White male teacher sues for discrimination
(EAGNEWS) — NEW YORK – A Bronx teacher is suing New York City and the city’s Department of Education claiming his race and gender made him a target for unfair treatment.
The New York Post reports Paugh William Shadow of Port Jervis, New York charges he was discriminated against at MS 391, The Angelo Patri Middle School – “a mostly black and Latino middle school.”
Among other things, Shadow claims he was denied a bathroom key for three years.
The 7th grade mathematics and science teacher says he was “falsely accused of corporal punishment, using derogatory language and leaving his post; and that school administrators refused to back him up on disciplinary matters and failed to reimburse him after he bought materials for his science-lab students.”
White male teacher sues for discrimination
Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:22:43 GMT
Sunday, December 28, 2014
AirAsia plane with 162 on board missing in Indonesia - Breitbart News
AirAsia plane with 162 on board missing in Indonesia
Breitbart News
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — An AirAsia plane with 162 people on board lost contact with ground control on Sunday while flying over the Java Sea after taking off from a provincial city in Indonesia for Singapore. The two countries immediately launched a ...
and more »
AirAsia plane with 162 on board missing in Indonesia - Breitbart News
Sun, 28 Dec 2014 06:50:42 GMT
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Pray With Me

I am asking you to pray with me. To pray for our Nation and for those across the world who need God, who need His healing and His saving grace. I am asking that you share this and I am asking you to come back to my page on December 25, 2014 at 8:00 pm Central Standard Time. Pray with me at that time, on the very day that God sent His Savior into this world so that our sins could be forgotten. Numbers are important to God so I chose 8 pm. The number 8 in Biblical numerics stands for New Beginnings, and we so desperately need a new beginning right now.
I look around and I cannot believe how far we have fallen. What we have allowed to happen because we sat down and shut up for far too long, giving those who hate us and hate God the chance to make their voice heard. We have backslid away from God. Whether we meant to or not, we have. And we need to turn back to Him so that He will then turn His face back to us.
Jesus says in the Bible in John 15:7,
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.Pray with me so that our collective voice may rise to God's ear and so that He may know that we do love Him and we do need Him. Read the words that follow on December 25, 2014 at 8 pm. And remember to share so that others may pray, too. Thank you.
Father in Heaven, we ask Father for your forgiveness. We have sinned against you and against heaven and all that is holy. Father we remind you of your promise to us, that if we follow your commandments and believing that Jesus is your only begotten son, sent to us to die on the cross for our sins, so that our sins may be forgiven, that whatever we ask in Jesus' name, that will be done unto us.
Father, we ask for healing in our Nation and in the world. We ask Father that those who wish us harm, even those within our own government, to be brought down and that those who follow your word to be given their place. Let there be no more division and riots and looting. Let there be no more hate and pride that separates us from you. Help us Father to find our way back to you. Help us to have peace and give us the courage and strength we need to stand strong for you in the face of adversity.
Father we ask that your will be done in all things. And help us to endure to the end Father. Open our eyes and our ears and our hearts. We thank you Father for all of the blessings that you bestow upon us. We thank you for the gift of your son. And we thank you for your love and mercy.
We ask these things in Jesus' name Father. Amen.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Texas Woman Sentenced for Injecting Liquid Rubber into 30 Buttocks
MCALLEN, Texas – A Texas border woman will spend three years in prison for injecting liquid rubber into at least 30 women seeking to enhance their buttocks. She made them believe it was Botox. Rather than enhance their looks, the rubber turned out to be a toxic chemical that sent several women to the hospital and killed one.
“Unfortunately the sentencing range on this charge only allows me to sentence you to up to three years,” U.S. District Judge Micaela Alvarez told 39-year-old Elva Navarro during her sentencing hearing. “If I could sentence you to more time I would, unfortunately, I have to follow the law and this this case this is all I can give you.”
Alvarez previously plead guilty to using adulterated products not approved by the FDA. Navarro remains under indictment in state court for practicing medicine without a license and for aggravated kidnapping for her role in the 2012 kidnapping of a college student. Navarro’s attorney Terry Canales said during the hearing that his client was also looking at a murder charge in connection with the victim that died from the injections.
As previously reported by Breitbart Texas, Navarro had been out on bond on the state charges but was arrested on federal charges earlier this year.
According to court records obtained by Breitbart Texas, since 2010, Navarro had been in the Spa business and began promoting a series of injections to enhance a woman’s buttocks. Charging several hundred dollars per treatment and even offering payment plan’s Navarro targeted primarily women who were in the country illegally and worked in bars.
One of the women ended up in the emergency in 2012 and soon other followed, however despite the warnings, Navarro kept injecting her clients with the toxic chemical leading to the death of Zenyacent Reyes in October 2013.
During the hearing, Maria Antonieta Reyes Gonzalez, the mother of Zenyacent Reyes said that while Navarro would get the opportunity to keep tabs on her children from her jail cell, her grandchildren had been left without a mother.
“The four-year-old asks me ‘when is mommy coming home’ I tell him that soon,” Reyes said. “These children need the love of a mother but that love was ripped away by greed.”
Texas Woman Sentenced for Injecting Liquid Rubber into 30 Buttocks
Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:26:14 GMT
Bake this! 'Gay' cakemakers stick it to Christians
The demand by homosexual activists that Christian business owners provide pro-”gay” services in violation of their faith is reaching epidemic proportions, with even the New York Times taking notice with a headline, “Can’t have your cake, gays are told, and a rights battle rises.”
The story describes the various lawsuits against Christian business owners and operators who decline to support “same-sex weddings” through photography, cake decorating and other services.
But what do “gay” business owners say when a Christian comes asking to produce a product bearing a message supportive of traditional marriage?
Go away.
We won’t serve you.
And much worse.
That’s from a report by Theodore Shoebat on the website, which more often deals with Islam and jihad.
“Christian bakeries that refuse to make pro-homosexual marriage cakes are getting sued left, right, and center. They get fined, they get death threats, and they lose their businesses,” Shoebat observed.
So, decided to call 13 prominent pro-gay bakers and ask them to make a cake with the message, “Gay marriage is wrong.”
“Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us,” he said.
“One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian. We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were,” said Shoebat.
Shoebat said that after the experiment, he received “a ton of hate messages saying that we were ‘hateful’ for simply giving them a taste of their own medicine.”
The Times report profiled Jack Phillips of Lakewood, Colorado, who declined to make a cake for a homosexual wedding because it violated his Christian faith. He also won’t do erotic cakes, and he won’t do Halloween cakes for the same reason.
While his case is pending, a Colorado official has ordered him to “retrain” his staff, including his 87-year-old mother, to be more homosexual-complaint.
The profile of the attacks on Christians also cited the $13,000 fine for a New York couple who refused to host a lesbian wedding in their farmhouse, the New Mexico photographer fined for refusing to memorialize a lesbian wedding, a florist in Washington, other bakers, a wedding planner and others across the U.S.
“Here is our point. A Christian making a homosexual cake with ‘Support Gay Marriage’ goes against his faith, and a homosexual putting ‘Gay Marriage Is Wrong’ goes against his faith as well,” Shoebat wrote.
“Now of course we honor their right to say no; this is not the issue, but what about honoring the Christian’s right to also say no?” he asked.
“The big lie of the homosexual agenda is this: They claim that they are only fighting for equality and tolerance.”
Shoebat said: “Men and women bled for your right to be free to call us ‘bigoted’ ‘phobic’ ‘hate mongers,’ but the same men and women who bled and died for your right to call us ‘bigoted’ ‘phobic’ ‘hate mongers’ also died for our right to be free and not to care.”
He pointed out that one baker who responded to his calls said: “Are you aware that we gays have larger brains, superior cognitive functions, spatial memory and verbal skills? It’s a biological fact of life.”
Shoebat said such views are held by tyrants.
“The Nazis and others believe in such nonsense. Tyrannies use false pseudo science, and they all have a superiority complex. It is the case with every deviant cult and tyrannical movement. Why target Christian bakeries in the first place? Such a view is no different that what Christoph Meiners promoted.”
He said Meiners claimed the skull of the Negro was larger but the brain of the Negro was smaller than any other race.
“The gay agenda argues that straight folks have a smaller brain,” Shoebat said. “So to all these who call us ‘bigoted’ ‘homophobic’ and such, in reality they are applying what is to be applied to them.”
He also noted: “There were a few folks upset saying that we were not fair since we had no right to impose our anti-homosexual views to be posted on a cake made by pro homosexuals. So we honored their rule and for the first time in our history we deleted their views from our comment section since they had no right to post their anti-Shoebat views on our cake.”
See the video reports (Be forewarned about profane, objectionable speech):
Part one:
Part two:
Bake this! 'Gay' cakemakers stick it to Christians
Wed, 17 Dec 2014 02:52:16 GMT
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Former CIA Official: Pelosi, Feinstein, Rockefeller All Briefed and Didn't Object to Waterboarding
On "Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace," Jose Rodriguez, the former director of the National Clandestine Service of the CIA said members of Congress where briefed dozens of times on the enhanced interrogation techniques including Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and they did not voice any objection.
Rodriguez said, "I remember very clearly briefing Nancy Pelosi in September of 2002. The Congress had been on break, as soon as they got back from break in September, the first thing I did is I went to brief her and the Chairman of the House Select Committee on intelligence at the time. We briefed her, and I was not the only one who came from the agency. I had my lawyers with her. We briefed her specifically on the use of the enhanced interrogation techniques on Abu Zubeta. She knew back in September of 2002 every one of our enhanced interrogation [techniques]."
When asked specifically, "Did you tell her about waterboarding, about sleep deprivation?" Rodriguez said, "Yes, yes, we did. Yes, I did." Adding, "I briefed her on all of the techniques. These people were fully aware of all the techniques that were given to us and approved by the Office of Legal Counsel of Justice."
He added "The only one that ever objected to any of this, and it was more of a caution, was Jane Harman in 2003 when she said, 'be careful because the perception will be in the future that you did this to hide something.' But that was -- she was the only person who ever objected to anything."
On Rockefeller, who was the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Rodriguez said, "You know, it's interesting because I can remember going back to hearings and meetings with the Congress back in 2002. And their biggest -- their biggest thing they told me was, 'you know, your problem is that you guys are risk averse. You have to go out and use the authorities that you're given to protect America.' All of these people were briefed, Rockefeller in particular."
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
Former CIA Official: Pelosi, Feinstein, Rockefeller All Briefed and Didn't Object to Waterboarding
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 16:32:00 GMT
Man can't challenge $280,000 tax bill he doesn't owe
(Mechanicsburg Patriot News) With undisguised reluctance, Commonwealth Court has issued an order requiring a Philadelphia man to pay a $280,772 tax bill that he probably doesn’t really owe.
In fact, city officials acknowledged in court that the tax bill they sent Nathan Lerner was a “jeopardy assessment” based on a fabrication.
The problem is that Lerner didn’t follow the right procedural course in challenging it, a Commonwealth Court panel found in a ruling issued this week. And so, the state judges determined, he’s stuck with that unfounded tax tab.
Man can't challenge $280,000 tax bill he doesn't owe
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:37:55 GMT
Al Sharpton Leads March in DC as NYC Protesters Chant: 'What Do We Want? Dead Cops!'
Joining the families of blacks killed by police, thousands marched toward the capitol and down New York streets on Saturday to protest what they called an epidemic of abuse at the hands of police.
But even though it was his event, many attendees didn't want to hear from organizer Al Sharpton.
The march, organized by Sharpton's National Action Network, once again chanted the oft-heard slogan, "No Justice, No Peace" with marchers demanding that federal laws be enacted to curb local and state police agencies use of force rules.
In an op-ed published on December 8, Sharpton noted that the "march against police violence" was needed to force Congress to "immediately start hearings to deal with laws that will change the jurisdiction threshold for federal cases and policing."
Once the thousands of marchers reached the grounds outside the Capitol, Sharpton warned Congress that he and his supporters would not be ignored.
“You thought you'd sweep it under the rug. You thought there'd be no limelight," Sharpton said. "We are going to keep the light on Michael Brown, on Eric Garner, on Tamir Rice, on all of these victims because the only way -- I'm sorry, I come out of the 'hood -- the only way you make roaches run, you got to cut the light on."
Sharpton was joined at the podium by felony armed robbery suspect Lesley McSpadden and alleged riot-inciter Louis Head, the parents of Michael Brown, a strong-arm robbery suspect killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri in August.
"What a sea of people," McSpadden said. "Thank you for having my back."
Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner, the man who died during an attempted arrest in New York, also spoke at the rally, saying, "This is a history-making moment. We need to stand like this at all times."
But even as Sharpton geared up for his address, dozens of protesters drifted away from the rally, saying they didn't want to hear from Sharpton.
David Saunders, 62, was one rally-goer who left as Sharpton began his comments. "I believe in the march. But I don’t want to hear him," he said.
Another person leaving as Sharpton began speaking told The Washington Post, "We wanted to be here. This was wonderful. But we’re good."
This isn't the first example of resistance Sharpton has been confronted with after his repeated attempts to capitalize on the pain of recent victims of police actions.
In one case, the family of a man accidentally shot by a rookie New York policeman in November publicly warned Sharpton to stay away from their loved one's funeral.
Similar protests wracked New York, where protesters allegedly assaulted two NYPD officers and blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Protesters chanted violent slogans: "What do we want? Dead cops!"
Brilliant! Real Thugs Wear Flag Pins #MillionsMarchNYC
— Lnonblonde (@Lnonblonde) December 13, 2014
Lieuteanants were "knocked to the ground, kicked by various people, kicked in the face and in the head," said John Miller, NYPD dep commish.
— Nicole Fuller (@nicolefuller) December 14, 2014
NYPD recover bag with hammers, mask on Brooklyn Bridge during protests @ABC7NY
— New York City Alerts (@NYCityAlerts) December 14, 2014
Back in November, black suspects allegedly beat unarmed white man Zemir Begic to death with hammers in St. Louis earlier in December after screaming, "Kill all white people." The killing took place after Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Similar hammer attacks took place after Sanford resident George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
New York City mayor Bill de Blasio issued a warning to would-be violent protesters.
Those who reject peaceful protest and provoke violence can expect immediate arrest and prosecution.
— Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio) December 14, 2014
Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at
Al Sharpton Leads March in DC as NYC Protesters Chant: 'What Do We Want? Dead Cops!'
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:50:00 GMT
Pirro Unloads on Feinstein for 'Liberal Ivory Tower Kumbaya Naïveté'
In her “Opening Statement” segment on her Saturday Fox News Channel broadcast, “Justice w/Judge Jeanine” host Jeanine Pirro took aim at Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) for the finding of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA interrogation tactics.
Pirro argued the findings were devoid of taking into account the loss of life on Sept. 11, 2001 and were centered on what Pirro deemed to be a “naïveté” by the California Democrat.
“I for one am tired of American apologists like you trashing those assigned to protect us, those who put their lines lives on the line like the CIA and law enforcement - they and not you have the high moral ground, you and your namby-pamby let’s be friends hog wash,” Pirro said. “While you're at it, Dianne, what’s your solution? Have you read the headlines, Americans are being beheaded by these same Muslim fanatics. You know what I think? I think you have been in Washington too long. Your liberal ivory tower kumbaya naiveté is dangerous. And simply talking to high-value captives who were responsible for murdering my friends and other innocent Americans is naive. You want to play with the big boys? Get the hell out of your ivory tower and your Washington fundraisers, put on your big boy pants and start drawing a moral distinction between those who live to murder Americans and innocent Americans who rely on you for their safety.”
Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor
Pirro Unloads on Feinstein for 'Liberal Ivory Tower Kumbaya Naïveté'
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 07:43:31 GMT
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Todd: CIA Torture Report Release Result of Personal Spat Between Brennan, Feinstein
Friday on the "Hugh Hewitt Show," NBC's "Meet The Press" moderator Chuck Todd said the release of the Senate Democrats CIA torture report is the result of warring factions of the government that turned into of a personal fight between Brennan and Feinstein.
Todd said, "This is a more complicated political story. It doesn't just break in the normal red or blue. I think it got personal between Brennan and Feinstein." adding, "The nastiest feuds in politics never have to do with the D or the R. Its always personal. There is always a personal element to this and in particular I think there is a personal element to this between Brennan and Feinstein to be perfectly honest."
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
Todd: CIA Torture Report Release Result of Personal Spat Between Brennan, Feinstein
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 01:52:21 GMT
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Blocks Quick Budget Deal
A last-second vote helped pass the new federal budget bill through the House of Representatives late Thursday evening, but the Senate still has to give its approval before it can land on President Obama's desk. With the clock ticking down, a deal to quickly send the bill to the Oval Office failed, resulting in the possibility that the upper chamber might not get the job done before the government runs out of money at midnight on Saturday.
Reports state that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried to force a quick Friday afternoon vote to send the CR-Omnibus budget to the President to be signed into law, but Republican Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Jeff Sessions wanted Reid to agree to allow a vote to defund Obama's amnesty plans before they would agree to vote for the budget.
A senior Capitol Hill aide noted that a quick end to Senate deliberations was blocked when Harry Reid refused to allow any vote on defunding Obama's amnesty. Reid’s refusal, the staffer said, has become an "ongoing problem."
The aide went on to assure Breitbart News that "Senate conservatives will consider any tactical means to achieve their ends" to put a halt to Obama's amnesty.
Republicans, though, were not the only ones making tough demands on Reid. Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren demanded that Reid strip out financial deregulation provisions in the budget the House passed. Reid was reluctant to agree to that, as well.
This failed Friday deal has pushed the budget debate into a Saturday session. But Reid has a whole list of things--including some of Obama's nominees--that Democrats want dealt with before they lose the majority to the incoming GOP victors of November’s midterm election, and the budget bill will likely come only after some of these items are dealt with on Saturday.
With the long list of deals that Reid wants handled first, the Senate could run out of time before the budget comes up for discussion.
In fact, the schedule for the vote, released by the GOP’s nascent Majority Leader, Kentuckian Mitch McConnell, shows that the Senate will not get to the budget bill until 1 p.m. on Sunday, with a final vote for passage scheduled for 7 a.m. Monday morning.
In the meantime, the Senate plans to pass a temporary continuing resolution to keep the government funded until Wednesday.
All this, however, assumes that the long schedule of work that Reid is putting ahead of the budget debate goes smoothly, allowing the budget to come up as scheduled--a prospect that does not seem to be such a sure bet.
Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Blocks Quick Budget Deal
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:10:14 GMT
Drug Runners Hide Almost $6.5 M in Cocaine Inside Soda Shipment
MCALLEN, Texas -- Authorities seized more than 202 pounds of cocaine valued at $6,490,000 that had been hidden in a tractor trailer carrying a shipment of sodas.
The seizure was made this week at the Rio Grande City International Bridge when a man drove the tractor trailer to an inspection booth and a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer referred him to a secondary inspection area, according to information provided by CBP to Breitbart Texas.
During the secondary inspection, CBP officers had the vehicle scanned using high tech imaging equipment and ended up finding 80 packages of cocaine weighing more than 202 pounds hidden within the soda shipment inside the trailer. The drugs have a street value of $6,490,000, CBP officials said.
The drugs and the trailer were seized; however court records do not show if the driver of the vehicle was charged or if he was not aware of the load.
“This outstanding interception of narcotics is a true testament of our officers’ commitment towards the CBP mission in keeping drugs from crossing our international borders,” said CBP Rio Grande City Acting Port Director Richard Diaz.
Follow Ildefonso Ortiz on Twitter @ildefonsoortiz
Drug Runners Hide Almost $6.5 M in Cocaine Inside Soda Shipment
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:29:57 GMT
Citizens United Going to Court over 'Stonewalled' Hillary Records
This week Citizens United sued the State Department in federal court over its unlawful withholding of documents relating to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State.
We are currently in pre-production for a sequel to our landmark film Hillary: The Movie. This film will take a hard look at Hillary Clinton’s career and will tell the truth about her failed record as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State.
We’ve filed numerous Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) requests for documents relating to Hillary’s time at the State Department. These requests have gone largely unanswered. What is the State Department trying to hide? Why won’t the Obama Administration prioritize transparency when it comes to taxpayer-funded public documents? The public has a right to know – yes, even if it is about Hillary Clinton!
Our lawsuit involves a FOIA request that was filed in July. By law, the State Department had twenty business days to produce the documents or explain why it would not do so. That date has long since passed. We’ve waited five months since our initial request before filing this lawsuit.
Citizens United requested records from the State Department about Secretary Clinton’s overseas travel. All we want to know is who accompanied Hillary on these trips and how much it cost the American taxpayer. Did any wealthy Clinton campaign or foundation contributors get rewarded for their largesse? These questions deserve immediate answers in light of the reports that surfaced during the Clinton Administration in the 1990s. These reports suggested that big Democrat contributors were allegedly rewarded with flights on official Commerce Department trade missions overseas. Selling access to big donors was a regular news item during the dark days of the Clintons’ tenure in the White House.
Sadly, stonewalling and slow-walking the production of public Clinton documents and records is all too familiar as well. As the former Chief Investigator for the U.S House Oversight Committee at the time, I can tell you firsthand that well-orchestrated delay tactics with document requests and subpoenas was the order of the day. And, of course, it continues to be the modus operandi of Hillary Clinton and friends all these years later.
As an example, Citizens United sent a narrow, non-controversial FOIA request to the State Department in January 2010. We received a small production of documents in response to this request in August 2014. The American people should not have to wait four and half years for public records from our government. This is simply unacceptable.
Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people. The FOIA process helps ensure transparency in government, and only through that transparency can we the people hold the government accountable. It’s time for the State Department to stop stonewalling and turn over these documents. Sign our petition to break through the stonewall.
Citizens United Going to Court over 'Stonewalled' Hillary Records
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:37:25 GMT
Friday, December 12, 2014
Obama’s CIA Director Slams Senate Panel for Not Interviewing Agency Officials
I hope they keep pissing off old Johnny boy here. He ran the security company when Lt. Quarles was murdered after accessing Obama’s passport file. This guy has the goods on Obama. Make him mad enough and who knows what he could unleash…
The CIA director took issue with the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) for not interviewing CIA officers during its investigation on the agency’s enhanced interrogation tactics (EITs), indicating that as a result a partisan investigation was unveiled.
“Our hope was that it would offer an impartial and authoritative assessment of the program, help us learn from our mistakes, and inform how we conduct sensitive activities in the future,” said John Brennan, the CIA chief. “Unfortunately, the Committee could not agree on a bipartisan way forward, and no CIA personnel were interviewed by the Committee.”
Brennan held a press conference in response to the Senate panel publicly releasing a shorter-version of its 6,700-plus page study on CIA’s former detention and interrogation tactics.
In it, the Committee acknowledged that it did not interview CIA officials in the context of its study.
“This was unusual. In the vast majority of cases, SSCI’s congressional reports have been the result of collaborative, bipartisan investigations. Over the course of my career, I have seen the value of the Committee’s reviews,” the CIA director, appointed by President Obama, explained. “Even on politically sensitive matters such as the SSCI’s investigation into the intelligence failures regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the Committee succeeded in producing a report that was supported unanimously.”
The CIA director said the Committee investigation is "flawed."
“Although we view the process undertaken by the Committee when investigating the program as flawed, many aspects of their conclusions are sound and consistent with our own prior findings,” noted Brennan. “Over the years, internal Agency reviews—including numerous investigations by our Office of Inspector General—found fault in CIA’s running of the program.”
“To address the concerns identified, the CIA has implemented a number of reforms in an effort to make sure those mistakes never happen again,” he added.
Brennan acknowledged that the CIA was unprepared when the program was implemented, but added that the agency has learned from its mistakes.
He also indicated that the interrogation tactics contributed to the killing of Osama bin Laden.
“It is our considered view that the detainees who were subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques provided information that was useful and was used in the ultimate operation to go against Bin Laden," he said.
However, the CIA director warned, “There was useful intelligence, very useful, valuable intelligence that was obtained from individuals who had been at some point subjected to EITs. Whether that could’ve been obtained without the use of those EIT’s it’s something, again, that is unknowable.”
Some Republicans, including Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), the ranking-member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, have come out against releasing the report.
The report criticizes some of the CIA officers involved in the interrogation practices, which Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate panel, said amounted to “torture” in the report.
“Numerous CIA officers had serious documented personal and professional problems—including histories of violence and records of abusive treatment of others—that should have called into question their suitability to participate in the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program, their employment with the CIA,and their continued access to classified information,” reported the Committee. “In nearly all cases, these problems were known to the CIA prior to the assignment of these officers to detention and interrogation positions.”
Obama’s CIA Director Slams Senate Panel for Not Interviewing Agency Officials
Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:24:47 GMT