Bet she wouldn’t have “beat” the charge if she were white….just sayin’
MCALLEN, Texas -- A Texas high court judge was able to beat the system when the DWI charges filed against her got dismissed even though police video shows the woman struggling to keep her balance and failing a field sobriety test.
Nora Lydia Longoria, a Justice with the 13th Court of Appeals was initially arrested in July when a McAllen Police Officer clocked her doing 69 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone in the northern part of the city, court records obtained by Breitbart Texas show.
At the time of her arrest, Longoria pulled out her badge and showed it to the officer stating that she was a judge, the cop noted on his report adding that she smelled like alcohol and had slurred speech.
Longoria told the officer that she had five beers while having dinner with friends but three hours had passed since she had the last beer, the police report obtained by Breitbart Texas shows.
When the cops told Longoria that she was being placed under arrest for suspicion of being intoxicated she begged them to let her go.
“You are going to ruin my life. I worked hard for 25 years to be where I am today,” Longoria is quoted in the police report where the officer also noted that the judge refused to be handcuffed and said they would have to drag her to the patrol car. Longoria refused to take a breathalyzer exam and no blood was drawn to document the amount of alcohol in her system.
The controversy around Longoria’s case kicked up once again when a county court judge dismissed the DWI charge against Longoria citing lack of evidence. A local TV station KGBT obtained the dash-cam video of Longoria’s arrest which shows the sitting judge having a difficult time keeping her balance and failing the tests that the cops administered.
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Texas Border Judge Beats DWI Charge, Video Shows Her Stumbling
Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:41:46 GMT
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