I am asking you to pray with me. To pray for our Nation and for those across the world who need God, who need His healing and His saving grace. I am asking that you share this and I am asking you to come back to my page on December 25, 2014 at 8:00 pm Central Standard Time. Pray with me at that time, on the very day that God sent His Savior into this world so that our sins could be forgotten. Numbers are important to God so I chose 8 pm. The number 8 in Biblical numerics stands for New Beginnings, and we so desperately need a new beginning right now.
I look around and I cannot believe how far we have fallen. What we have allowed to happen because we sat down and shut up for far too long, giving those who hate us and hate God the chance to make their voice heard. We have backslid away from God. Whether we meant to or not, we have. And we need to turn back to Him so that He will then turn His face back to us.
Jesus says in the Bible in John 15:7,
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.Pray with me so that our collective voice may rise to God's ear and so that He may know that we do love Him and we do need Him. Read the words that follow on December 25, 2014 at 8 pm. And remember to share so that others may pray, too. Thank you.
Father in Heaven, we ask Father for your forgiveness. We have sinned against you and against heaven and all that is holy. Father we remind you of your promise to us, that if we follow your commandments and believing that Jesus is your only begotten son, sent to us to die on the cross for our sins, so that our sins may be forgiven, that whatever we ask in Jesus' name, that will be done unto us.
Father, we ask for healing in our Nation and in the world. We ask Father that those who wish us harm, even those within our own government, to be brought down and that those who follow your word to be given their place. Let there be no more division and riots and looting. Let there be no more hate and pride that separates us from you. Help us Father to find our way back to you. Help us to have peace and give us the courage and strength we need to stand strong for you in the face of adversity.
Father we ask that your will be done in all things. And help us to endure to the end Father. Open our eyes and our ears and our hearts. We thank you Father for all of the blessings that you bestow upon us. We thank you for the gift of your son. And we thank you for your love and mercy.
We ask these things in Jesus' name Father. Amen.
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