CNN Correspondent Ed Lavandera reported that business owners in Ferguson that he spoke to were "very much angry" with Michael Brown's stepfather for screaming "burn this b*tch down" after the grand jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson on Tuesday's "Wolf."
"There are a lot of people, especially when you talk to business owners who lost their businesses who are very much angry about seeing that video [of the stepfather yelling] and that sort of thing" Lavandera stated. Although he cautioned "but there are also a lot of people who are probably going to feel just the opposite."
He added, that Ferguson's Police Chief Thomas Jackson told him that "[a] formal investigation has been launched, that they have spoken with several friends of the stepfather, but that they have not interviewed him or talked to him yet. So, obviously it seems like it's in the very early stages of becoming a formal investigation."
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Report: Ferguson Business Owners 'Angry' With Brown Stepdad
Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:10:06 GMT
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